Beyond Mosaic

I started on my journey in Mosaic making in 2018 when I booked myself on some one day courses at The London School of Mosaic in November 2017. I have always been interested in Public Art and Mosaic as a medium. My day job has been as a Business Consultant for 20 years. I advised businesses on applying creative thinking in a practical way to all aspects of business to deliver desired outcomes. I was itching to find my voice through art and use Mosaic as a means of self expression bringing my life experiences togethe. I like to use mosaic as a means of storytelling, making something meaningful and beautiful from often discarded, neglected materials and juxtaposing elements which surprise and tell a story. I have delivered Community mosaic projects with community engagement and ownership is at the heart of my approach In April 2022, my debut book A different life, piece by piece was published by The Book Guild publishing and is available on Amazon books as well as other bookshops in the UK. I recently in March 2024 won an ARTS COUNCIL ENGLAND Award 'Developing your Creative Practice'.I will be branching into new areas of mosaic making including furniture and wearable Art in addition to the Community mosaic work I am engager with at the moment. I run workshops for mosaic artists just teasing out their creativity to make personal and meaningful works of Art. I just act as a facilitator ! My work is International, and I designed and made a Mosaic map of India in martel, glass and malti hic is now installer in Pennsylvaniya at The Ruins Project, an outdoor muséum of mosaic artworks, on a previous coal mine site . I am also working in collaboration with an Italian mosaic artist and hope to have a joint show of our work next year in Milan