Forum 2024 News

Urban Symbiosis - the Art of Living Together

Dates: 4th - 6th October 2024

Tickets here


The Riverfront, Kingsway, Newport NP20 1HG

  The Place, 9, 10 Bridge St, Newport NP20 4AL

 For latest details please click here


Chartres 2024

(Apologies for late posting)

The 15th International Mosaic Exhibition

at Chartres runs from 19 October to 10 November.

See for details.

The theme this year is "Urban".

Submissions can be within or without the theme  

but need to be made before 30th April.

BAMM Event 2024

BAMM Event 2024

SAVE THE DATE: 5th and 6th October 2024

Please note the correct date - apologies for incorrect dates in the newsletter

Elaine M Goodwin Exhibition

Elaine M Goodwin Exhibition

for Invitation to Preview click on Read More

Well dressing for WinterExhibition

Phil Smith aka the Grouchy Grouter

Creating the first ever winter Welldressing for an

exhibition in the Sheffield Millennium Galleries Feb 2024

winter welldressing 1

See website for times etc. Ways of Water - Sheffield Museums Trust

New Website

Please inform us if you make changes

to your contact details on the website

We are currently moving over to the new website and

need to know if you have made any changes since 

29th January 

Please email with this link

BAMM Shop Open Again for Andamento

The BAMM shop is now open for


Click here

Grout 71 Page Turning Version

The page-turning version of Grout 71 Winter 2023

is now available from the Members Area menu.

Steve Lobb Obituary

Steve Lobb, the creator of the Hitchcock mosaics

at Leytonstone tube station in East London

BAMM Forum 2023 - Final

BAMM Forum 2023

Pushing Boundaries

7 & 8th October 2023

Peak District village of Youlgreave

In-person and Online

Thanks to Hobby Island

BAMM would like to record our thanks to

Thomas of  Hobby Island

for his valuable sponsorship of 

Mosaic Packs for

Schools and Community Groups

over the last 7 years.

This opportunity has been closed for the forseeable future

Hackney Mosaic Project Map


If you watched Tessa Hunkin's inspiring talk about the

Hackney Mosaic Project at the Forum,

you might like to have a copy of the map of all

the Project's various mosaics. 

You can download the map HERE and the information page HERE

Prompts from the Pros Available

Most of the Prompts from the Pros are available

from the Prompts from the Pros menu


Forum Talks from York 2019 now available on YouTube

Find the Forum Talk Links here

NYC Subway Mosaics by Chuck Close - videos from Carol Bowen

The following videos were recorded by Carol Bowen.  They feature the remarkable mosaics in the New York City subway by Chuck Close

New York Subway Mosaics Part One

New York Subway Mosaics Part Two

Hackney Mosaic Project announcement

BAMM West Midlands

BAMM West Midlands Region now has its own Facebook Group at and all BAMM members in Avon, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire and the West Midlands are invited to join us.

John Adey

BAMM SE Group and Paradise Park

"Tulips", photo courtesy of Jackie Bishop

The BAMM SE Group recently took part in the Lewes District ArtWave Festival, that ran over the summer. We were invited to exhibit and run workshops at Paradise Park, a major Sussex family venue, over 3 consecutive weekends. The three of us involved – myself, Aimee Harman (SE Co-ordinator) and Christine Walker ...